Monday, January 26, 2009


and life begins to grow and there's so much more i hold
the response i give to responsibility is nothing less of immaturity
now's the time for my life to begin only to show signs regression
hypercritical statements remarks in my eyes of hatred
belong to myself to be alone and ill make better to be my own
comes to an end this nineteenth year and i must take on growing up that i fear
the actions i've taken can only lead, and this is why forever ill be
taking strides forward, and escaping my horror.

get out

possessed so greatly the ability that we pride
individuality's just deception, a mask we use to hide
covering the horrifying beauty of who we really are
protecting your fragile mind from its honest scars
i cant begin to explain this man-made disgust
to every life we encounter we devour, we infest
i hold so dear and close this hatred, this distrust
you'll never understand there's nothing more nothing less
were every bit as useless as remarkable we make ourselves to be
so step off the pedal stool you've set your yourself upon
stand ahead and understand societies wrong
heaven wont show you the answers and gods not around
this horrid sight of life can be seen from the sky all the way down
dreams are more reality than life can ever begin
nightmares are what our eyes hide
from our vision
so take the liberty and do it yourself
gouge out these eyes and welcome this hell


i could drown in this cigarette filled air
smothered to this bottle of cheaply brewed beer
these moistened palms loosen my grip on
everything i've had thats packed up and gone

i could suffocate to the tunes that fill the air
gasping for life entangled in the scent of your hair
the streams that race from my eyes and down my hands
are everything i've had and exactly what i cant stand

oh, cast aside this powerful grip
you've placed with our interlocking lips
oh, cast aside this powerful grip
you've placed me in between to slip

this awful presentation that you show yourself
upon your walls your spread out on these shelves
its uncomfortable to watch as you prepare for today
just one morning i wish the girl that i love will stay
and i'll never understand why you cover up and wash her away

its award winning for self pity
(i said cut it out you make me sick)
drop it all you cause baby know youre pretty
(just stop just stop its pathetic)


clever words going in reverse to start again
i grab this map too help findout where i am
i need to walk away from this mirror im hiding by
reflecting the worse but still i'll always try
so your taking a step back to see whats infront of you
when you have your whole life to start and still nothing to do
and you close the door to find out who's it for.
finding exactly who you are nothing less than before
this realizations, not helping me at all
im more confused than ever as these pictures start to fall
am i seeing things more clear, or staring to deep in another mirror
silhouettes of trees begin to present themselves upon the sky
a silent morning greeted to an endless night

throwing back

I'm reading and writing words sweetly sounding with your sent
it doesn't matter when all they say is what you really meant.
why do i fall to the things we continue to say?
remembering heartbeats and the vibrations they'd make.
i wish on stars, candles, and wishing wells
to have back the feel of the stories we'd tell,
of excitement of love and how this did start.
stars shot down and a thousand coins on the ground.
and i notice now that theres a hole in my, pocket.(heart)
denied my wishes and all this candle smoke around.

i want back, the laughter and smiles we used to share
planning and thinking and neglecting the end we said was never there
i try to understand cause it's what i do but i just cant see clear
when nothing makes sense and and a stranger stares back through the mirror

an indecisive decision to what i want and all.
no its not anymore and i cant close the door.
im not letting go but im not standing tall.